
I experienced the most devastating season of my life in 2018. A separation occurred in my then marriage, leaving me to question who am I. I faced two choices: succumb to the effects of the emotional pain or turn to God wholeheartedly. Although I attended church, I didn’t have a personal relationship with God. I read His word occasionally and prayed when things weren’t great or when I desired something. 

I chose to seek God over my feelings and other possible distractions, genuinely wanting to understand what went wrong. As I earnestly prayed, sought Him, and read His Word, He revealed that I had placed my identity in everything and everyone but Him—my Creator. This was the key to a major change in my life. My identity was mainly in a person, roles, and my career. I thought this was what life was about. He taught me about my identity in Christ.

One of the lessons I learned was that whatever and whoever my identity is in, is who or what I receive validation and approval from. 

 When I understood this, it was truly a moment of chains breaking. He poured into me and showed me the deep spiritual implications of misplaced/false identity. The feelings of unfulfillment, living a purposeless life, the urge to people please, and the longing for love at the cost of losing self all connected back to one pivotal truth: MISPLACED IDENTITY.

Recognizing my identity in Christ transformed everything. I stopped seeking validation and satisfaction in people, roles, careers, and material possessions, and instead I looked (look) to Jesus. One of the most memorable moments of my time with God occurred when I was sitting and relaxing in a dark room, and

I heard God say, “I am Light in this darkness (situation).”

That was a special encounter that I'll never forget. The peace and joy I had during this painful dark time causes me to shake my head til this day. Even though this was self inflicted, I am truly convinced He allowed this situation to happen to call His daughter back to Himself because He had work for me to do in the Kingdom. While healing, being restored, and comforted, I felt AND HEARD a deep calling to help other women grasp the truth about identity.

Just as Jesus was (is) Light to me, I will be light to women, who will in turn be light to those around them. Hence the name BeLightful.

This fulfills the foundational verses of BeLightful Women—Matthew 5:14-16: “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” 

Let's spread light!

 I am light because of the Light (Jesus Christ)!

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